Marvel Avengers Alliance: Spec Ops 10 Task List
Here's the quick but complete list of tasks required to recruit Wonder Man for Spec Ops 10 of Marvel Avengers Alliance as well as the optional tasks for lockboxes to recruit Constrictor:
Complete all 25 Tasks required for Spec Ops Mission 10 to Unlock Wonder Man.
Ends Sunday, June 30th, 2013 (23 days total)
1. Into the Fray: Defeat 5 HYDRA Soldiers - Hydra is an evil organization with designs for world domination. Their soldiers can be found in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover and Mission 3: Brother's Grim
2. Scavenger Hunting: Defeat a Mini-Boss in Mission 1 - Defeat either Sandman or Jack O'Lantern in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover
3. A Friend in Need: Use a Distress Call - You can only receive Distress Calls by visiting allies. Add allies to help you win more battles.
4. Leave No Stone Unturned: Complete a Deploy - Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and power-ups.
5. Nothing Good on TV: Defeat Arnim Zola - Arnim Zola is the Boss of Mission 1: Hostile Takeover
6. Build a Better Cure: Research the Synthesized Antidote in the Lab - Research the Synthesized Antidote to complete this task.
7. Schmidt Happens: Complete a Battle with Red Skull - Red Skull can be found on the current Spec Op map.
8. Maggia Muscle: Kill 3 Maggia Bodyguards - Maggia Bodyguards can be found in Mission 2: Critical Condition
9. Growing Resistance: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 1 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
10. Level Playing Field: Use Juggernaut's Mountain Crusher 4 Times - Mountain Crusher is Juggernaut's second ability. Juggernaut is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 2.
11. Ionic Fusion: Upgrade the Ionic Hammer to Ionic Sledge in the Lab - The Ionic Sledge can be researched after acquiring the Ionic Hammer.
12. Staying Sharp: Fight 5 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
13. Spore Loser: Defeat Baron Strucker - Baron Strucker is the Boss of Mission 2: Critical Condition
14. Let's Pick a Fight!: Use Wonder Man's "Ionic Punch" 3 Times - Ionic Punch is Wonder Man's first ability. Wonder Man is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 1 and Mission 3.
15. Recovery Efforts: Collect 20 Unstable Iso-8 - Unstable Isotope-8 can be found in normal combat, as well as rewards from deploys and boss fights. You can also get some from your friends!
16. Adjusting Focus: Upgrade the Ionic Blaster to the Ionic Cannon in the Lab - The Ionic Cannon can be researched after acquiring the Ionic Blaster.
17. Cracking Skulls: Fight Red Skull 3 Times - Fight Red Skull either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Red Skull respawns every 72 hours.
18. Vigilant Protectors: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
19. Hot Mess: Use Red Hulk's Searing Smash 4 Times - Searing Smash is Red Hulk's first ability. Red Hulk is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 3.
20. The Real Test: Win 3 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
21. Reconstruction: Use Wonder Man's "Wonders Never Cease" 2 Times - Wonders Never Cease is Wonder Man's fourth ability. Wonder Man is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 1 and Mission 3.
22. Contents Under Pressure: Collect 5 Coiled Lockboxes - Collect Coiled Lockboxes to unlock Constrictor as a playable hero. They can be earned from fighting Red Skull or lockbox sidequests.
23. Reap the Rewards: Defeat Grim Reaper - Grim Reaper is the Boss of Mission 3: Death in the Family.
24. Special Operative: Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Op 10 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
25. Master of Evil: Defeat Baron Zemo - Baron Zemo is the Epic Boss in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear.
1. Hired Help: Defeat 10 Maggia Grunts - Maggia is the world's most powerful crime syndicate. Their grunts can be found in Mission 2: Critical Condition
2. When a Problem Comes Along: Use Constrictor's Crackdown 3 Times - Crackdown is Constrictor's first ability. Constrictor is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 2
Armor None: Defeat 5 HYDRA Power Armors - HYDRA Power Armor appears in Mission 1 and Mission 3.
HYDRA Foil: Defeat 30 Spec Op 10 HYDRA Soldiers - HYDRA soldiers can be found in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover and Mission 3: Brother's Grim
Repeat Offender: Fight Red Skull 5 Times - Fight Red Skull either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Red Skull respawns every 72 hours.
Completionist: Complete 4 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Ops 10 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
Special Operations 10 - So Shall Ye Reap
Complete all 25 Tasks required for Spec Ops Mission 10 to Unlock Wonder Man.
Ends Sunday, June 30th, 2013 (23 days total)
1. Into the Fray: Defeat 5 HYDRA Soldiers - Hydra is an evil organization with designs for world domination. Their soldiers can be found in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover and Mission 3: Brother's Grim
- Reward: 100 XP
2. Scavenger Hunting: Defeat a Mini-Boss in Mission 1 - Defeat either Sandman or Jack O'Lantern in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover
- Reward: 1000 Silver
3. A Friend in Need: Use a Distress Call - You can only receive Distress Calls by visiting allies. Add allies to help you win more battles.
- Reward: 100 XP
4. Leave No Stone Unturned: Complete a Deploy - Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and power-ups.
- Reward: 1 CP
5. Nothing Good on TV: Defeat Arnim Zola - Arnim Zola is the Boss of Mission 1: Hostile Takeover
- Reward: 100 XP and 1 Synthesized Antidote
6. Build a Better Cure: Research the Synthesized Antidote in the Lab - Research the Synthesized Antidote to complete this task.
- Reward: 1 Synthesized Antidotes
7. Schmidt Happens: Complete a Battle with Red Skull - Red Skull can be found on the current Spec Op map.
- Reward: 10 Coiled Lockboxes
8. Maggia Muscle: Kill 3 Maggia Bodyguards - Maggia Bodyguards can be found in Mission 2: Critical Condition
- Reward: 1000 Silver
9. Growing Resistance: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 1 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
- Reward: 2000 Silver
10. Level Playing Field: Use Juggernaut's Mountain Crusher 4 Times - Mountain Crusher is Juggernaut's second ability. Juggernaut is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 2.
- Reward: 100 XP and Ionic Hammer
11. Ionic Fusion: Upgrade the Ionic Hammer to Ionic Sledge in the Lab - The Ionic Sledge can be researched after acquiring the Ionic Hammer.
- Reward: 100 XP
12. Staying Sharp: Fight 5 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
- Reward: 100 XP
13. Spore Loser: Defeat Baron Strucker - Baron Strucker is the Boss of Mission 2: Critical Condition
- Reward: 3000 Silver
14. Let's Pick a Fight!: Use Wonder Man's "Ionic Punch" 3 Times - Ionic Punch is Wonder Man's first ability. Wonder Man is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 1 and Mission 3.
- Reward: 100 XP
15. Recovery Efforts: Collect 20 Unstable Iso-8 - Unstable Isotope-8 can be found in normal combat, as well as rewards from deploys and boss fights. You can also get some from your friends!
- Reward: 100 XP
16. Adjusting Focus: Upgrade the Ionic Blaster to the Ionic Cannon in the Lab - The Ionic Cannon can be researched after acquiring the Ionic Blaster.
- Reward: 1000 Silver
17. Cracking Skulls: Fight Red Skull 3 Times - Fight Red Skull either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Red Skull respawns every 72 hours.
- Reward: 100 XP
18. Vigilant Protectors: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
- Reward: 3000 XP
19. Hot Mess: Use Red Hulk's Searing Smash 4 Times - Searing Smash is Red Hulk's first ability. Red Hulk is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 3.
- Reward: 100 XP
20. The Real Test: Win 3 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
- Reward: 100 XP
21. Reconstruction: Use Wonder Man's "Wonders Never Cease" 2 Times - Wonders Never Cease is Wonder Man's fourth ability. Wonder Man is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 1 and Mission 3.
- Reward: 100 XP
22. Contents Under Pressure: Collect 5 Coiled Lockboxes - Collect Coiled Lockboxes to unlock Constrictor as a playable hero. They can be earned from fighting Red Skull or lockbox sidequests.
- Reward: 1 CP
23. Reap the Rewards: Defeat Grim Reaper - Grim Reaper is the Boss of Mission 3: Death in the Family.
- Reward: 100 XP
24. Special Operative: Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Op 10 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
- Reward: 5000 Silver
25. Master of Evil: Defeat Baron Zemo - Baron Zemo is the Epic Boss in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear.
- 25 gold to skip (you might have to bite the bullet and spend 25 gold if you don't have the heroes to unlock the epic boss)
- Reward: 1 CP and Wonder Man!
Binding Agent - Side Missions for Coiled Lockboxes
1. Hired Help: Defeat 10 Maggia Grunts - Maggia is the world's most powerful crime syndicate. Their grunts can be found in Mission 2: Critical Condition
- Reward: 6 Lockboxes
2. When a Problem Comes Along: Use Constrictor's Crackdown 3 Times - Crackdown is Constrictor's first ability. Constrictor is a Team-Up in Spec Op 10 Mission 2
- Reward: 6 Lockboxes
Armor None: Defeat 5 HYDRA Power Armors - HYDRA Power Armor appears in Mission 1 and Mission 3.
- Reward: 12 Lockboxes
HYDRA Foil: Defeat 30 Spec Op 10 HYDRA Soldiers - HYDRA soldiers can be found in Mission 1: Hostile Takeover and Mission 3: Brother's Grim
- Reward: 6 Lockboxes
Repeat Offender: Fight Red Skull 5 Times - Fight Red Skull either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Red Skull respawns every 72 hours.
- Reward: 12 Lockboxes
Completionist: Complete 4 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Ops 10 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
- Reward: 24 Lockboxes
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