Quick Reference: Marvel Avengers Alliance Spec Ops 11 Task List

Here's a the list of tasks needed to complete Spec Ops 11 of Marvel Avengers of Alliance and recruit Daimon Hellstrom.

Also included is the option tasks to get Demonic Lockbox for a chance to recruit Satana.

Spec Ops 11: Sins of the Fathers Tasks

  1. Hydrones: Defeat 5 HYDRA Soldiers - Hydra is an evil organization with designs for world domination. Their soldiers can be found in Mission 1: Masters of Evil.
    • Reward: 100 XP
  2. Cunning Ploy: Complete a Deploy - Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and powerups.
    • Reward: 1000 silver
  3. Astral Rejection: Defeat Baron Mordo - Baron Mordo is a Mini-Boss in Mission 1: Masters of Evil. 
    • Reward: 200 XP
  4. Black And Blue: Defeat 3 Bruiser Demons - Spiculum, Cusptero, and Sicuspcis are found in Mission 1: Masters of Evil.  
    • Reward: 1000 silver
  5. Take Him To Task: Defeat Taskmaster - Taskmaster is the Boss of Mission 1: Masters of Evil. 
    • Reward: 1 CP; Blueprint: Soul Jar.
  6. Seals In Freshness: Research the Soul Jar in the Lab (takes 1 day)
    • Reward: Soul Jar
  7. Black Arts: Complete a Battle with Blackheart - Blackheart can be found on the current Spec Op map. 
    • Reward: 10 Demonic Lockboxes; Unlock Mission 2; Unlocks Demonic Lockbox optional tasks.
  8. Half Time: Defeat 2 Members of the Wrecking Crew - The Wrecking Crew can be found in Mission 2: Death's Sting 
    • Reward: 1000 silver
  9. Mission Accomplished: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 1 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    • Reward: 100 XP
  10. We Are Venom: Defeat Venom - Venom is the Boss of Mission 2: Death's Sting. 
    1. Reward: 1 CP; Trident
  11. Stick A Fork In It: Upgrade the Trident to the Infernal Trident in the Lab
    • Reward: 1000 silver
  12. Daughter of the Devil: Use Satana's Fires of Hell 3 Times - Fires of Hell is Satana's second ability (Note: bear in mind that it has a 2 round cooldown). Satana is a Team-Up in Mission 2: Death's Sting.
    • Reward: 100 XP
  13. Helping Hands: Complete 5 Deploys - Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and powerups.
    • Reward: Unlock Mission 3; 2000 silver
  14. Jet Set: Complete 5 Flight Deck Missions - Send any hero on any flight deck mission.
    • Reward: 100 XP
  15. Versus: Fight 5 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
    • Reward: Blueprint: Netharanium Trident
  16. Third Time's A Charm: Upgrade the Infernal Trident to the Netheranium Trident in the Lab (takes 2 days)
    • Reward: 100 XP
  17. Malleus Maleficarum: Defeat 5 Infiltrator Demons - Domina, Meretrix, and Subcinctus are found in Mission 2.
    • Reward: 3000 silver
  18. Revelations: Use Angel's Rapture 3 Times - Rapture is Angel's second ability. Angel is a Team-Up in Spec Op 11 Mission 3.
    • Reward: 200 XP
  19. Star Search: Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2 - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    • Reward: 1 CP
  20. Gladiator: Win 3 PVP Battles - Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
    • Reward: 100 XP; Chalice of Souls
  21. Son of Satan: Use Daimon Hellstrom in 3 Battles - Daimon Hellstrom is a Team-Up in Missions 1 and 3.
    • Reward: 100 XP
  22. Pandora's Box: Collect 5 Demonic Lockboxes - Collect Demonic Lockboxes to unlock Satana as a playable hero. They can be earned from fighting Blackheart or lockbox sidequests.
    • Reward: 3000 silver
  23. The Other Son of Satan: Defeat Blackheart - Blackheart is the Boss of Mission 3: Heart of Darkness.
    • Reward: 1 CP
  24. Special Operative: Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Op 11 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
    • Reward: 5000 silver
  25. Enemy Of All: Defeat Mephisto - Mephisto is the Epic Boss in Mission 2: Death's Sting. HINT: Participate in Deploys as soon as they appear. Note: you'll need Fantomex, Scarlet Witch, and Iron Fist for the deploys. Otherwise it'll cost 25g to skip this task.
    • Reward: 1 CP; Daimon Hellstrom

Side Missions: From Hell's Heart

  1. Scrap Heap: Defeat 10 Scrapper Demons - Tetrabrach, Harpe, and Incascia are found in Missions 1 and 3.
    • Reward: 6 Lockboxes
  2. Soul Collector: Collect 5 Soul Jars - Soul Jars are dropped by Spec Op 11 enemies in combat. They can also be purchased in the store (for 1 gold each). 
    • Reward: 6 Lockboxes
  3. Dread Locks: Fight Blackheart 5 Times - Fight Blackheart either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Blackheart respawns every 72 hours.Requires gold to skip. 
    • Reward: 12 Lockboxes
  4. The Devil's Due: Defeat Mephisto - Mephisto is the Epic Boss in Mission 2: Death's Sting.
    • Reward: 6 Lockboxes
  5. Monster Hunter: Defeat 30 Demons - Demons can be found in every mission of Spec Op 11. 
    • Reward: 12 Lockboxes
  6. Completionist: Complete 4 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Op 11 Missions - Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star! 
    • Reward: 24 Lockboxes


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