Marvel Avengers Alliance: Spec Ops 15 Tasks List

Here's the full list of tasks to complete to finish Spec Ops 15 and recruit Nico Minoru in Marvel Avengers Alliance.


1.  Let the Games Begin - Defeat 10 Thugs.  With no cops to stop them, the local gangs are turning Murderworld into Looterworld. Thugs can be found in Mission 1: Street Fighter. (Can be completed outside of Spec Ops)
  • Requires 10  Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

2.  Collector's Edition - Collect 10 Unstable Iso-8. Unstable Isotope-8 can be found in normal combat, as well as rewards from deploys and boss fights. You can also get some from your friends!
  • Requires 10  Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1000 Silver

3.  Sidequesting - Complete 3 Deploys.  Deploy heroes to advance through a mission. Deploys reward items and powerups. (Can be completed outside of Spec Ops)
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 200 XP for the Agent

4.  Test Your Might - Defeat a Boss in Mission 1. Defeat either Mission 1 Boss to complete this quest. Red Hulk is the Boss of the Heroes side, while Hulk is the Boss of the Villains side. (Optimal path requires 2 deploys to get to Boss)
  • Requires 10  Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1 CP

5.  I Got Next - Complete a Battle with Arcade. Fight Arcade either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Arcade respawns every 72 hours.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 10 Psycho Lockboxes

Progress Reward for 5 Tasks Completed: Blueprint: Murderworld Doll

6.  Claim Your Prize - Research the Murderworld Doll in the Lab. Research the Murderworld Doll to complete this task.
  • Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: Murderworld Doll

7.  Finish Him! - Defeat Angel. Angel is a Mini-Boss of the Villains side of Mission 2: Mutant League.
  • Requires 10  Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1 CP

Progress Reward for 7 Tasks Completed: Unlock Psychotherapy Tasks (for Lockboxes)

8.  Versus - Fight 5 PVP Battles. Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. Hint: Practice matches count as battles.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

9.  Level Cleared - Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 1. Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Requires 10  Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1000 Silver

10.  Battle Toads - Defeat 5 Robo-Toads. The most annoying variety of Arcade's robots. Robo-Toads can be found in the Hero side of Mission 2: Mutant League.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

Progress Reward: 10 Tasks Completed: Blueprint: Staff of Darkness

11.  The Joy Stick - Create the Staff of Darkness in the Lab. Research the Staff of Darkness to complete this task.
  • Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1000 Silver

12.  Go For the Eyes - Use Moonstone's Blinding Attraction 3 Times. Blinding Attraction is Moonstone's second ability, which damages enemies and causes Moonstone to phase. Moonstone is a Team-Up in the Villain side of the first Spec Op 15 Mission.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

13.  Boss Run - Defeat 4 Mini-Bosses. Defeat any four mini-bosses from any of the three missions in Spec Op 15.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 2000 Silver

14.  Unboxing - Collect 5 Psycho Lockboxes. Collect lockboxes to unlock Moonstone as a playable hero. They can be earned from fighting Arcade or lockbox sidequests.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

15.  Welcome to the Next Level - Fight Arcade 3 Times. Fight Arcade either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Arcade respawns every 72 hours.
  • Requires 30  Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1000 Silver

Progress Rewards: 15 Tasks Completed: Blueprint: Staff of Ice

16.  Required Peripheral - Create the Staff of Ice in the Lab. Research the Staff of Ice to complete this task.
  • Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

17.  Mission Accomplished - Get 2 Stars of Mastery in Mission 2. Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Requires 20 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP 

18.  Grunt Rush - Defeat 10 Murderworld Robots. Arcade has made robotic copies of both heroes and villains for his Murderworld. They can be found in all Spec Op 15 missions.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 200 XP 

19.  Knife Game - Use Nico Minoru's Cutting Edge. Cutting Edge is Nico Minoru's first attack. Nico Minoru is a Team-Up on the Hero side of Mission 3: The Gathering.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1 CP

20.  Victory - Win 3 PVP Battles. Compete in PVP to test your skills against other players. PVP requires completing Chapter 1 Mission 4 of Story Mode.
  • Requires 30 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

Progress Reward: 20 Tasks Completed: Staff of Fire

21.  Surge Protector - Defeat Thor. Thor is the Boss of the Villains side of Mission 3: The Gathering.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 100 XP

22.  False Deals - Defeat Loki. Loki is the Boss of the Heroes side of Mission 3: The Gathering.
  • Requires 10 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 3000 Silver

23.  Good Game - Complete 3 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Op 15 Missions. Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Requires 25 Gold to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1 CP

24.  Tag Team - Defeat Captain Britain. Defeat Spider-Man. Captain Britain and Spider-Man are the Epic Bosses of the Villains side of Mission 1: Street Fighter. (Heroes Required for Deploys to Unlock Epic Bosses: Black Cat - 23 CP; Black Widow; and Emma Frost - 200 CP)
  • Requires 20 Gold  (10 Gold each) to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 5000 Silver

25.  Bad Dudes - Defeat Taskmaster. Defeat Constrictor. Taskmaster and Constrictor are the Epic Bosses of the Heroes side of Mission 1: Street Fighter. (Heroes Required for Deploys to Unlock Epic Bosses: Bishop - 135 CP; Spider-Man - 90 CP; and Hawkeye)
  • Requires 20 Gold  (10 Gold each) to Auto-Finish
  • Reward: 1 CP

Progress Reward: 25 Tasks Completed: Nico Minoru Recruited!

Psychotherapy Tasks 

These are option task that reward Psycho Lockboxes to help unlock Moonstone. 

1.  Next Challenger - Defeat 4 Mini-Bosses. Defeat any four mini-bosses from any of the three missions in Spec Op 15.
  • Requires 12 Gold to skip the Task
  • Reward: 6 Psycho Lockboxes

2.  Arcade Graveyard -Defeat 15 Murderworld Robots. Arcade has made robotic copies of both heroes and villains for his Murderworld. They can be found in all Spec Op 15 missions.
  • Requires 12 Gold to skip the Task
  • Reward: 6 Psycho Lockboxes

3.  Multitap - Use Emma Frost's Psychic Tap 3 Times. Emma Frost is a Team-Up in the Hero side of the second Spec Op 15 Mission. (Can be done outside of Spec Ops if you have already recruited Emma)
  • Requires 24 Gold to skip the Task
  • Reward: 12 Psycho Lockboxes

4.  Punk Buster - Defeat 30 Thugs. With no cops to stop them, the local gangs are turning Murderworld into Looterworld. Thugs can be found in Mission 1: Street Fighter. (Can be done outside of Spec Ops)
  • Requires 12 Gold to skip the Task
  • Reward: 6 Psycho Lockboxes

5.  The Fall of Arcades - Fight Arcade 5 Times. Fight Arcade either on your own map or on your friends' maps for free. Arcade respawns every 72 hours.
  • Requires 24 Gold to skip the Task
  • Reward: 12 Psycho Lockboxes

6.  Victory Lap - Complete 4 Stars of Mastery in all Spec Ops 15 Missions. Complete missions to add points to your cumulative score. Achieve a high enough score to earn a new Mastery Star!
  • Requires 48 Gold to skip the Task
  • Reward: 24 Psycho Lockboxes


  1. you got the last 2 tasks wrong....the heroes needed to unlock the epic bosses for 24 and 25 need to be swapped. Your mistake cost me 20 gold because i have the heroes needed for 24 but not for 25. You had me believe i had the heroes needed for 25. So i pay to pass 24 only to find out that i could have done it. Thanx for nothing!


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