Reference: Hearthstone Mercenaries - Alliance Character List
Generally, the following races belong to the Alliance: Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, and Draenei. A notable exception is the Lich King, a Human that counts as part of the Horde. There are also neutral races (Beasts, Dragons, Elementals, Murlocs, and Pirates) that don't belong to either faction.
Here's a current list:
- Anduin Wrynn
- Antonidas
- Balinda Stonehearth
- Cariel Roame
- Cornelius Roame
- Illidan Stormrage
- Jaina Proodmoore
- Lady Anacondra
- Kurtrus Ashfallen
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Malfurion Stormrage
- Millhouse Manastorm
- Natalie Seline
- Prophet Velen
- Scabbs Cutterbutter
- Sky Admiral Rogers
- Tavish Stormpike
- Tirion Fordring
- Tyrande Whisperwind
- Uther Lightbringer
- Vanndar Stormpike
- Varian Wrynn
- Wrathion (but he loses the buff if you shapeshift into a Dragon)
- Xyrella
Photo via Hearthstone Mercenaries.
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