How to Get XP in Pokémon Go in 2025
Here are all the ways you can get XP in Pokémon Go in 2025 as well as how much XP is earned:
Catching Pokémon
You get 100 XP for catching a Pokémon and 25 XP as a consolation if it flees from you. Additionally, there are bonuses that can be tacked onto the 100 XP base:- Nice Throw - 20 XP
- Great Throw - 100 XP
- Excellent Throw - 1000 XP
- Curveball - 20 XP
- First Throw - 50 XP
- Discover a New Pokémon (i.e. new entry to your Pokédex) - 1000 XP
- Collector Bonus (for every 100th catch of a Pokémon of the same species) - 100 XP
- Expert Handler - 300 XP
- First Catch of the Day - 1500 XP
- Streak Bonus (for catching a Pokémon each day for seven days in a row) - 6000 XP
- High Level Active Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion Bonus (for same type) - 50 XP
- Max Level Active Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion Bonus (for same type) - 100 XP
- Use a Master Ball (Master Balls are extremely rare. They come from special events.) - 1000 XP
Evolving a Pokémon - 1000 XP
Hatching a Pokémon - The XP varies depending on what type of egg is hatched
- Hatch a 2-km egg - 500 XP
- Hatch a 5-km egg - 1000 XP
- Hatch a 7-km egg - 1000 XP
- Hatch a 10-km egg - 2000 XP
- Hatch a 12-km egg - 4000 XP
Gym Battles
- Defeat a Pokémon in an enemy gym - 300 XP
- Defeat an enemy gym - 1000 XP
- Defeat of every Pokémon in an enemy Gym in a single attempt (bonus) - 150 XP
- Send gift to a friend - 200 XP
- Become "Good Friends" with another trainer (1 heart) - 3000 XP
- Become "Great Friends" with another trainer (2 hearts) - 10000 XP
- Become "Ultra Friends" with another trainer (3 hearts) - 50000 XP
- Become "Best Friends" with another trainer (4 hearts) - 100000 XP
Pokémon Showcases - You get XP based on your ranking when the showcase ends (3000 XP for first, 2000 XP for second, 1600 XP for third, etc.).
Max Battles
- Winning a 1-star Max Battle - 5000 XP
- Winning a 2-star Max Battle - 6000 XP
- Winning a 3-star Max Battle - 7500 XP
- Winning a 4-star Max Battle - 10000 XP
- Winning a 6-star Max Battle (AKA a Gigantamax Battle) - 25000 XP
Max Moves - You get XP from upgrading Max Moves (costs Candy and Max Particles):
- Unlocking a Max Move - 4000
- Upgrading Max Move to Level 2 - 6000
- Upgrading Max Move to Max (Level 3) - 8000
- Defeat a 1-star Raid - 3500 XP
- Defeat a 3-star Raid - 5000 XP
- Defeat a Legendary, Mega, Primal, or Ultra Beast Raid - 10000 XP
- Defeat an Elite Raid - 12000 XP
- Defeat a Mega Legendary Raid - 13000 XP
Research Breakthrough (for completing 7 days of field research quests) - 3000 XP
You get 4000 XP for completing your first route of the day and 2000 XP for each route after that.
There's also a 7-day route streak bonus where you get 12000 XP instead of 4000 XP for your first route on the 7th day in a row.
Spinning PokéStops and Gyms
- Spin a PokéStop - 100 XP
- Spin 10th PokéStop in a row - 100 XP
- Spin a PokéStop for the first time - 300 XP
- Spin 10th unique PokéStop within a 30-minute period - 500 XP
- Spin a rival Gym (Basic) - 25 XP
- Spin a rival Gym (Bronze) - 50 XP
- Spin a rival Gym (Silver) - 75 XP
- Spin a rival Gym (Gold) - 100 XP
- Spin a friendly Gym (Basic) - 31 XP
- Spin a friendly Gym (Bronze) - 63 XP
- Spin a friendly Gym (Silver) - 94 XP
- Spin a friendly Gym (Gold) - 125 XP
- First PokéStop or Gym Spin Bonus - 500 XP
- 7-day PokéStop Spin Streak Bonus - 2000 XP
Photo via Pokémon Go.
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