Pokémon Go 2025 Beloved Buddies Event Cheat Sheet
Pokémon Go's Beloved Buddies event runs from Tuesday, February 11, at 10:00 a.m. to Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 8:00 p.m. local time.
Event Bonuses
- 2× XP for catching Pokémon.
- Lure Modules activated during the event will last for one hour.
- Lure Modules will attract different Pokémon during the event, such as Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis.
- 500 Additional Stardust for catching: Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis.
Pokémon Debut
- Dhelmise, the Sea Creeper Pokémon, makes its debut in 3-star raids.
Wild Encounters
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild. You’ll also have an increased chance to encounter Shiny Diglett and Shiny Dunsparce.
- Nidoran♀*
- Nidoran♂*
- Diglett*
- Slowpoke*
- Shellder*
- Dunsparce*
- Remoraid*
- Mantine*
- Plusle*
- Minun*
- Volbeat*
- Illumise*
- Cutiefly*
- Fomantis*
Skrelp will be appearing in 1-star raids with an increased chance of being Shiny.
*Shiny possible
Event Field Research Task Rewards - Gives Stardust or an encounter with Tandermaus.
- Catch 2 Pokémon to get 200 Stardust.
- Win a raid to get 1500 Stardust.
- Trade a Pokémon to get a Tandemaus encounter.
Beloved Buddies Timed Research - 2500 Stardust and for 2500 XP completing.
Part 1 - Get 1000 Stardust and 1000 XP for completing.
- Catch 15 Pokemon to get 5 Ultra Balls.
- Spin 5 PokeStops or Gyms to get an encounter with Remoraid.
- Explore 2 km to get an encounter with Mantine.
Choose from "Team up with Candela" or "Investigate Arlo"
"Team up with Candela" Path
Part 2 - 2000 XP and encounter with Dunsparce for completing.
- Earn 10 hearts with your buddy to get 500 Stardust.
- Earn a Candy when exploring with your buddy to get encounter with Luvdisc.
- Make a new friend to get 2 Poffins.
Part 3 - 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust, and encounter with Rapidash for completing.
- Play with your buddy 5 times to get 10 Ultra Balls.
- Send 3 Gifts to friends to get 500 Stardust.
- Trade a Pokémon to get Shellder encounter.
"Investigate Arlo" Path
Part 2 - 2000 XP and Shadow Diglett encounter.
- Catch 15 Pokémon to get 500 Stardust.
- Transfer 5 Pokémon to get Cubone encounter.
- Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts to get a Rocket Radar.
Part 3 - 3000 XP, 2000 Stardust, and encounter with Scizor for completing.
- Catch 25 Pokémon to get 10 Ultra Balls.
- Transfer 15 Pokémon to get 500 Stardust.
- Defeat Team Go Rocket Leader Arlo to get a Slowpoke encounter.
Event Collection Challenges
- Challenge 1 - Get 15 Great Balls and 3000 Stardust for completing.
- Catch a Cutiefly
- Catch a Fomantis
- Challenge 2 - Get 15 Great Balls and 3000 Stardust for completing.
- Catch a Shellder
- Catch a Slowpoke.
- Challenge 3 - Get 15 Great Balls and 3000 Stardust for completing.
- Catch a Diglett.
- Catch a Dunsparse.
Photo via Pokémon Go.
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