Pokémon Go April 2025 Content Update
Here are all the events, raids, and encounters that are on the slate for Pokémon Go in April 2025:
Featured Pokémon
- Kubfu
- Dynamax Entei* (Debut)
- Dynamax Passimian* (Debut)
*=Shiny available
Max Battles
- March 31 - April 7
- Squirtle* (has a GMAX version of final evolution)
- Krabby* (has a GMAX version of final evolution)
- Chansey* (all-purpose Defender)
- Scorbunny
- Skwovet*
- April 7 - April 14
- Caterpie* (will eventually get a GMAX version of final evolution)
- Machop* (will eventually get a GMAX version of final evolution)
- Drilbur* (good tank for DMAX and GMAX battles)
- Wooloo*
- Falinks*
- April 14 - April 21
- Machop*
- Passimian*
- Falinks*
- April 21 - April 28
- Squirtle*
- Krabby*
- Chansey*
- Sobble
- April 28 - May 5
- Charmander* (has a GMAX version of final evolution)
- Pidove*
- Cryogonal*
- Wooloo*
- Falinks*
Max Mondays - 6PM to 7PM
- March 31 - Scorbunny
- April 7 - Passimian*
- April 14 - Wooloo*
- April 21 - Sobble
- April 28 - Falinks*
Spotlight Hours - Tuesdays, 6PM to 7PM
- April 8 - Meditite* - 2x Transfer Candy
- April 15 - Fomantis - 2x Evolution XP
- April 22 - Morelull* - 2x Catch Stardust (1000 Stardust per catch without weather boost)
- April 29 - Abra* - 2x Catch XP
Five-Star Raids
- March 31 - April 9 - Tapu Lele*
- April 9 - April 21 - Blacephalon* (Shiny debut. Western Hemisphere only), Stakataka* (Shiny debut. Eastern Hemisphere only)
- April 21 - May 1 - Cresselia*
Raid Hours - Wednesdays, 6PM to 7PM
- April 2 - Tapu Lele* (knows Nature's Wrath Charged Move)
- April 9 - Blacephalon* (Shiny debut. Western Hemisphere only), Stakataka* (Shiny debut. Eastern Hemisphere only)
- April 16 - Blacephalon* (Shiny debut. Western Hemisphere only), Stakataka* (Shiny debut. Eastern Hemisphere only)
- April 23 - Cresselia*
- April 30 - Cresselia*
Mega Raids
Shadow Raids
- April 4 - May 4 - Shadow Registeel*
- April 3, at 10AM to April 7, at 8PM - Stunning Styles
- April 5, from 2PM to 5PM - Mega Audino Raid Day
- April 6, from 2PM to 5PM - Tyrogue Hatch Day
- April 9, at 10AM to April 14, at 8PM - Spring Into Spring
- April 13, from 2PM to 5PM - Sparring Partners Raid Day
- April 16 to 22 - "???"
- April 19, from 2PM to 5PM - Gigantamax Snorlax Max Battle Day
- April 24, at 10AM to April 29, at 8PM - Sweet Discoveries
- April 26, at 6AM to April 27, at 9PM - Dynamax Entei Max Battle Weekend
- April 27, from 2 to 5PM - April Community Day - Vanillite
Might & Mastery Season Bonuses
- Increased friendship bonus damage dealt by Pokémon in raids.
- Trainers level 31 and above will receive one guaranteed Rare Candy XL for catching a five-star Raid Boss during a Raid Hour.
- Trainers level 31 and above will receive one guaranteed Candy XL when trading Pokémon.
- Increased Stardust for the first catch of the day.
Photo via Pokémon Go.
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