Pokémon Go Deep Depths Details
Deep Depths is a limited-time event in Pokémon Go that features Clauncher and the debut of Nickit, a fox-like Pokémon.
Pokémon Go Deep Depths Details
- Duration: 10AM, March 19, 2025, to March 24, 2025, at 8PM
Event Bonuses
- 1/2 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed into Incubators during the event.
Featured Pokémon
- Clauncher (Extra Shiny Chance)
- Nickit (Debut)
- 50 Candy to evolve to Thievul
Wild Encounters
- Murkrow*
- Sneasel*
- Corphish*
- Clamperl*
- Purrloin*
- Female Frillish*
- Clauncher*
- Nickit
*=Shiny Chance
The following Pokémon will hatch from 7 km Eggs:
- Galarian Corsola*
- Pawniard*
- Clauncher*
- Nickit
Field Research Tasks & Rewards
- Catch 5 Dark-type Pokemon - Reward: Encounter with Alolan Meowth* or Carvanha*
- Catch 5 Water-type Pokemon - Reward: Encounter with Frillish* (Blue) or Clauncher*
- Defeat 2 Team Go Rocket Grunts - Reward: Encounter with Nickit
- Hatch an Egg - Reward: Encounter with Clauncher*
Deep Depths Timed Research - 2 steps
Step 1 of 2:
- Catch 10 Water-type Pokémon - Reward: Encounter with Clauncher*
- Catch 20 Water-type Pokémon - Reward: 2000 XP
- Explore 1 km - Reward: Encounter with Clauncher*
- Explore 2 km - Reward: 2000 Stardust
- Spin 3 PokéStops or Gyms - Reward: 5 Razz Berries
- Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms - Reward: 5 Ultra Balls
Reward for completing all Step 1 tasks:
- 1 Rare Candy
- 2000 XP
- 2000 Stardust
Step 2 of 2:
- Catch 10 Dark-type Pokémon - Reward: Encounter with Carvanha*
- Catch 20 Dark-type Pokémon - Reward: 2000 XP
- Hatch an Egg - Reward: Encounter with Alolan Meowth*
- Hatch 3 Eggs - Reward: 2000 Stardust
- Defeat a Team Go Rocket Grunt - Reward: 1 Max Revive
- Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Grunts - Reward: 1 Mysterious Component
Reward for completing all Step 2 tasks:
- 10 Kubfu Candy
- 2000 XP
- 2000 Stardust
Rewards for completing both 1 and 2 steps:
- 2× Stardust for catching Pokémon for the rest of the event.
Deep Depths Sea-volution Collection Challenge Tasks
- Catch Clauncher, Frillish (Pink), and Corphish.
- Evolve Clauncher, Frillish (Pink), and Corphish.
- Reward: Encounter with Lumineon and 3000 XP
Deep Depths In the Nickit of Time Collection Challenge Tasks
- Catch Murkrow, Purrloin, Sneasel, and Nickit
- Reward: Encounter with Liepard and 1000 Stardust
Photo via Pokémon Go.
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